Cultural Awareness

Working with Indigenous People

Working with Indigenous People

The Cultural Awareness short course in the 8-hour format covers the same topics as the introductory course, but in greater depth, allowing for a more complete picture of the situation in Indigenous Australia.

There is greater scope for addressing some of the solutions to the problems faced by many Australian Indigenous peoples, and opportunities for participants’ questions and concerns to be addressed.

Throughout the day, participants are provided with the necessary background to develop skills to help them work more effectively across the cultural barrier. At least a quarter of the course is devoted solely to providing basic cross-cultural skills.

This course runs for 8 hours, usually in one session. We maintain flexibility throughout the course and present material according to your needs and specific area of interaction with Indigenous people.

The information below represents the usual contents, which can be modified to address your training requirements. Questions and interactive problem solving are encouraged.

Summary of Contents

Cultural Awareness
Working with Indigenous People

Summary of Contents

The information below represents the usual contents, which can be modified to address your training requirements. Questions and interactive problem solving are encouraged.

Topics covered include:

Traditional Indigenous economic systems
Indigenous systems of Law and land tenure
Property rights before European arrival
Historical influences on Indigenous world view
Traditional social structures
Historical influences on Indigenous world view
Effects of welfare
Inter-Cultural Communication dynamics
Communicating successfully using English
Family structures & traditional Kinship systems

Some frequently asked questions

Cultural Awareness
Working with Indigenous People

Some frequently asked questions

  • What is the nature of traditional Indigenous law?

  • How many different languages are there?

  • How does Aboriginal culture deal with violence?

  • What is the true cultural significance of scared sites?

  • Does Aboriginal culture encourage old men marrying young women?

  • What are some rules for communicating with Indigenous people that really work?

  • What are the underlying causes of the gap in life expectancy?

Extended Courses

Cultural Awareness
Working with Indigenous People

Extended Courses

Intensive courses run over two days or more and examine Cultural Awareness, Cross-cultural Communication and Capacity Building in greater depth. These courses are extremely flexible and are easily adapted to any area of interest i.e. health, law, education, business development.

These courses can be used to add to a Cultural Awareness Short Course or to include the short course contents.