Cultural Awareness

Advanced Workshops

Cultural Awareness Advanced Workshops

These workshops are intended to follow on from the Extensive Courses and are designed to be implemented with a small group, usually key staff from management and the field, allowing them to analyse and explore the practical application of methodologies for the empowerment of Indigenous people and their communities.

These workshops are additional courses for those who desire or require an advanced understanding of how to practically overcome Cross-cultural and human dynamic barriers for the benefit of Indigenous people. Particularly in regards to incorporating appropriate cross-cultural methodology at on the ground.

We would encourage anyone working full time with Indigenous people, especially in Indigenous communities and in remote locations, or those in policy making positions to consider one of the workshops. They are most effective after some experience has been gained in working with Indigenous people. They help deal with disillusionment.

Empowering and Capacity Building

Cultural Awareness
Advanced Workshops

Empowering and Capacity Building

This course is designed to help you in your work areas and strengthen your cross-cultural abilities in practical applications to effectively empower the lives of Indigenous people.

It can be targeted for participants working in any field including policy writing, provision of health services, youth work, education, and law. You will be provided with the knowledge and skills to provide the maximum benefit to the communities and people you work with.

Problem solving and opportunity for questions occurs regularly during the day.


Cultural Awareness
Advanced Workshops


Identifying empowering programs
Corporate knowledge
Can one size fit all?
Building programs from the bottom up
Doing the groundwork
Reviewing methodology